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I still remember 8th grade and when foids started reaching the age of sexual maturity to where they no longer see boys as people or friends but only in terms of "Chad" or "Non Chad" and suddenly I wasn't allowed to look or interact with them without getting weird looks or rude comments.
I think that might be why pedophiles are made post pubescent girls are simply mean as hell if you aren't conventionally attractive and the peds want to live a happy life with nice girls. Too bad we can't all just be gay.
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>>536746cure passion is nice not mean delete your image
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There's a girl I see occasionally with long black anime hair who is taller and pretty and thin and I confided in someone that I thought she was about as good as real women can get and one day she came up to do something and I got scared and pretended to be messing with my cup and when she left and I could breathe the guy said that was awful you didn't even look at her.
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Hate when a norm asks me why I'm not chasin' skirts or why I don't have a gf and so on its easier to not do something than it is to do something do they expect you to constantly be trying to get that pussy there are better things in life than cramming your sex organs into some dumb foid things like making a spicy thread on an imageboard or having your eyes water up over a good anime why can't they understand that
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>>587385Did you know capybara come from the Llanos region of South America?
It's vast plains situated between the Andes mountains and the northern edge of the Amazon rain forest.
It's a very beautiful ecological region. Like look at this thing No.587400
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>>587393its actually a coconut doggy
>>587394no work