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Don't get it
No one knows if it causes prion diseases or cancer years from now.
It does kill or seriously affect a small number of people who take it right now too, but their cases are denied by "it was just coincidence, you shall not slander the 100% safe vaccine"
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stay safe i had a really bad headache and tummyache the next day but then i was all fine i even got the dangerous j&j one and that was all it was, much better than catching the scary virus
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I don't want to be sterilized
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youll be dead within 2 years op
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No you don't.
A man and live in the woods the rest of his life without "it" no matter how long such a life may be…one day…or another 100 years.
Of which it does not matter for so long as this man lives with his soul intact for the fortitude & shining morality beyond himself had hath glimmered in the darkest of nights that man has cast him out into.
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>>537065At least you're honest.
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Hey ota! ワクチンおまち!
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it looks good on you
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>>538041Welcome to your windows update.
>>536678I love this image so much bros one of my favorite images to use, it just encapsulates my emotions atm so often and Aoi is cute
man I got the vaccine that long ago I thought I got it like late June, my memory is going maybe it's the vacvine