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But can I play erotic games on it?
So I was talking to a friend's little girl and she said she wanted to be President some day. Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there, so I asked her, "If you were President, what's the first thing you would do?"
She replied, "I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people!" Her parents beamed pride.
"Wow - what a worthy goal!" I told her, "Of course you don't have to wait until you're President to do that. Just come over to my house tomorrow. You can mow the lawn, pull weeds, and sweep my sidewalks and driveway, and then I'll pay you $50. Then I can take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out and you can give him the money to buy some food or a new house." The little girl thought for a moment, then looked me straight in the eye and asked, "Why doesn't the homeless guy just come over and do the work himself, then you can pay him the $50?"
I said, "Welcome to the Republican Party."
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and then there will be some very simple but quite specific thing that you are very much used to with windows that linux wont do or requires some annoying convoluted method to achieve and still isn't quite right and requires you to spend hours looking at dumb fucking forums just to sort out
linux is free if your time is worthless
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>>536478Sounds like a you problem.
I mean I haven't used Windows on bare metal for almost 10 years so there's nothing I'm used to about that PoS though.
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>>536500>I don't get his obsession with ArchAll the Valve and cool Wine/DXVK developers I know use Arch, and I think I know why.
The AUR isn't a third-party repo. It's a collection of PKGBUILD scripts which are simple scripts that build Arch packages. Official Arch package maintainers use this method to build official packages too. The packages you build yourself are no different, and those packages install just like official packages in a clean way.
What's so special about this? Arch is the only distro that has this. Someone has already written a PKGBUILD script for every piece of software in existence, these scripts can easily be verified or edited yourself, and that means
you can easily compile software into a package that cleanly installs with pacman like official packages.
Building your own .deb or .rpm packages is extremely more complex. That's why people use shitty outdated third-party binary repos on other distros.
Also Arch is rolling release, up to date, and just be clean and I like choosing everything myself, e.g. I personally use systemd-boot instead of GRUB and sytemd-networkd instead of dhcpcd.
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>>536504>Unless it's a hobby, nobody in their right mind is going to waste time writing and editing hundreds of scripts Actually the process is
1) Download the PKGBUILD from AUR website
2) Run makepkg -si
That's it, done, it compiles the software from source code and makes a package.
This is less work/maintenance/problems than other distros for installing software not in the official repos, not more.
> just so they can bring their system to a point where they can open a web browserI could install Arch and have a working desktop with firefox in 15 minutes.
>>536502Whatmin likes to larp as a cool dev, but he doesn't understand why VMs are essential in hosting
Oh well.
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>>536566Believe me I do understand why, but I was fine running the webserver on baremetal/host and would rather not keep a VM running 24/7 if I don't have to.
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>>536583hatate is a girl!
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>>536624Half true
Mouse acceleration is enabled by default and it's terrible.
Some DEs have compositors that force vsync and mess with the mouse which is also terrible.
Wayland forces vsync which is why I will never use it until they fix that and care about latency.
However, if you disable mouse accel properly, and have no compositor, mouse movement is very raw and low latency. Wine has had support for raw input in games for a couple years now too. It might even be better than Windows with certain kernel settings.
>>536628A fully functional desktop with firefox could be done in about 400-500 packages
>>536654I play games on me linux with wine. I got actually working a game I couldn't get to run back on me naname system bc wine can be awesome like that.
Whatmin gay doe
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SMT III Nocturne works except if you enter certain rooms twice (like shops) it softlocks the game.
So you have to enter shop, save, then reboot the game before the next time you want to enter.
I mean the game just came out yesterday though. But yes, this is an example of Wine and "the game mostly works but…"
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a gamer must game
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omgg tghery putting an lolnux logo on the super buttonm now
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climate change my ass
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FILE MANAGERS ON LINUX/BSD FUCKING SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I personally wish SpaceFM is still being maintained and not abandoned or ghosted by developer. It's the ONLY tolerable GUI file manager as it doesn't rely on udisks or polkit, nor desktop environment dependencies. It's minimal but yet feature-packed. However. it doesn't support Please forgive my rudenessS protocol which means I can't drag and drop archive files from Xarchiver, cannot generate custom folder icons for $HOME, really janky at obscure areas like multiple tabs with panes will eat up your available RAM, have to use plugins and patch files to workaround issues, I currently have 4 patches installed for quality of life improvements.
I'm slowly trying to incorporate terminal file managers, like lf, mc, and dired to my directory browsing workflow. If anything, I consider Thunar, and PCManFM-QT as the best "polished" file managers.
i also could nag how windows offers plethora of alternative file explorer options and extensions like total commander directory opus voidtools everything qttabbar sktimestamp powertoys bleh gnome commander double commander and krusader is subpar crying for fsearch and plocate
gtkhash is equivalent to openhashtab