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Futaba if she Japanese
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>>536303This is very easy foids give me new reasons to hate them each day
>>536311Gone forever and never coming back
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saw this thing at work today..
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I've had a virus infection and the most annoying part is runny nose.
I just realized cannabis may be the most effective drug on Earth at stopping a runny nose, because the same effect that dries your mouth out also dries your nose.
I'm not someone who says it cures everything, but this is so obviously demonstrably effective.
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POV you have to eat Yuna's dirty ass
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funny how otamin never checks /om/ even though spammers post cp there almost every day
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Time to visit Henri Burger
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>>536889I also had a burger today!
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i had a peanut butter sandwich
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only enjoy oatmeal with golden syrup and cream
>>542619That's a strange point in time to reference. The '00s were full of early digital animation that looked awful. Kanon was so botched it had to be remade a few years later, others they were so terrible they were deliberately stricken from collective memory. There were visual stand outs, but that's true today as well. This season had Bishounen Tanteidan and Vivy, last season had Wonder Egg Priority and Mushoku Tensei, the season before that had Jujutsu Kaisen and Haikyuu. The season before that KyoAni managed to release possibly the best looking anime ever, the VEG movie, even after their studio burned down a year prior.
You're probably noticing two things. One, the anime that people still care about 10 or 20 years later tend to be the better ones. Two, there was a economic boom in the '80s that animation benefited from. That's why a lot of big productions in the '80s and '90s made it off the ground.
Anecdotally, I believe people are starting to figure out digital animation and streaming money is finally finding its way into the industry. There are plenty of bland looking anime being made just like there always have been, but if you compare something like the Fate adaptations from then and now I think you'll reconsider your opinion.
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eating tortilla chips plain
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hope kms poster is okay they havent posted in a while
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keep minority spirit