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>>536294that happened with my expensive bluetooth sports headphones they were supposed to be water resistant but then when I ran outside in winter with a hat the sweat would get onto them I think through the noise cancelling port
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sick have a cold but getting better so I ran 8 km outside at sunset. IOSYS didn't come on until the end of my run.
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today I ran 13 km before sunset and the highlight of the run was probably •-•• — •••- • from Shibayan Records
but it also felt epic when I came down the final descent on the hill to the river and played Mystic Oriental Dream because there are these stairs at the base of the hill that go up to the bridge and right in front of the stairs there was this fountain with pink colored lights illuminating it so I felt like I was really running through cherry blossoms
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I ran 13 km again today and it was 31 C out and sunny so I started to feel tired but as I got closer to the park Great Vengeance came on and it's a fun song so I had more energy that carried me through until I reached the forest
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>>537451join the ota running club and you'll improve that in no time!
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Havent been able to jog recently due to being too busy and exhausted and the wildfire smoke but i plan to start again on friday. Think i lost most of the progress made this year from these couple weeks of giving up but im probably still doing better than keke and she always gives her best so i will too!
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>>544222That's good! Keep up the good work!
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>>544228This video is confusing like he says your heart and lungs get weaker really quick but then somehow that wouldnt affect your ability to run?
Anyways i guess that matched how i felt yesterday and even more today when i did a longer jog my lungs and heart felt really tired but my legs felt okay. It was really damp out though which was icky so i put my shoes by the vent to dry out since they were still damp when I put them on today so maybe tomorrow they'll be dryer. wish i had done a better job of stretching while i wasnt running. So much progress lost kinda just want to give up
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ran 7.5 miles today and the cicadas were so loud could hear them even with my headphones in. The highlight of the run was when Phantasm Brigade came on as I was heading down the hill and it made me feel like sprinting the rest of the way down No.544646
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>>544228hmmm this jii-chan might have been onto something i already feel a lot better after only 3 days
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I really like Sekibanki's song from this album