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punished dani
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>>536078>>536085Both dani and schizo/promethea (he was black not indian) had good threads sometimes, which kept the board fluid.
The best solution was actively deleting all their shit ones.
- whatmin
>>536090>Both dani and schizo/promethea (he was black not indian) had good threads sometimes, which kept the board fluid.The best solution was actively deleting all their shit ones.
Yeah, good threads like the ones where Pajeet posts how much he hates you and wants to murder you.
LOL I swear whatmin you crack me up!
All dani ever posted on /what/ was how he wants to date you and fuck you. You must have enjoyed that, huh whatmin? Must been a huge ego boost for you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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DONT add him on steam
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>>536101I know schizos posted on my board, but Jesus Christ
>>536090How many times do we need to tell you to fuck off before you get the hint? You useless burnout boomer retard.
>>536093He's also the fuckwad who got this place spammed so he's also a hypocrite.
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dani the tranny I am an incomparable homo