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make them
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>>535285i loved rins darker hair in the movie it was so pretty
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>>569206Stop or I poke that place again.
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uhh this is a lovelive thread you guys must have accidentally misclicked multiple times
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Heres the door now get out derailers
Sipping on some sizzurp, sip, sipping on some, sip
Sipping on some sizzurp, sip, sipping on some, sip
Sipping on some sizzurp, sip, sipping on some, sip
Sipping on some sizzurp, sip, sipping on some, sip
Sipping on some sizzurp, sip, sipping on some, sip
Sipping on some sizzurp, sip, sipping on some, sip
Sipping on some sizzurp, sip, sipping on some, sip
Sipping on some sizzurp, sip, sipping on some, sip
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posting ll on ota
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sperm musubi
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It's important to remember where you come from!
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>>607730My Iberian gypsy nigga
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do you think there is any stylistic similarities between lovelive and this earlier sunrise production Natsuiro Kiseki?
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in this scene we can see up natsumis skirt showing her bare legs despite the fact that she placed the dress over her exercise shorts which would clearly be visible in this shot what are we supposed to believe that she just "lost" her shorts somehow boy i sure hope someone got fired for that blunder
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>>608202i liked green saten because she likes idols and is protected jp culture
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really enjoyed episode 9
havent noticed any panty shots up so far but its definitely a bit more risqué than love live
plenty of steamy outdoor bath scenes and the character saki walks around naked all day saki sounds like maki and she kind of looks and sounds like her too
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finished it
what a nice anime with a nice but not sappy ending with no extreme drama or anything
they dont make anime like this anymore thats for sure
i mean the characters wore different clothes every episode, they put a lot of effort into it