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Meanwhile, under the oh so cozy k/ota/tsu…
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glub glub awoo awoo this mochi is so good that it will take your head off!
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>>530068Good idea. Stay warm out there!
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chenyaa stretching by the k/ota/tsu!
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>>530486I wish /ota/ was more playful, I'm sure I'd have something fun to say here.
But it's not, so I won't say anything fun at all.
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>>530486I can count at least seven here!
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>>530558At the time I forgot to say that this is the thread you can play anime girls in but you too can also play nyaa nyaa myaa myaa kitties and have happy warm comfy fun times too!
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Shimarin cooking up quite a storm!
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>>530799Rest assured, Shimarin seems to have a fire resistant aura keeping her safe from such dangers!
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>>530819It sure sounds like a lot of work yeah, and they come in all sorts of styles!
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under the kotatsu with Yuki-chan
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japan logic
make houses out of flimsy paper and plaster
put heat lamp under small table and cover with a blanket
sit at table while burning kerosene to heat the air
eat mandarins
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>>558300I will build my own house one day.
It is not hard. Put foundation stakes down, build a wooden frame around them, build wall frames, stand them up and connect them, put metal roofing on top.
Hook it up with solar power, rainwater or well water, wood stove heating, 4G internet No.581100
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the room might be cold but its cozy under the kotatsu
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Real radiator blanket table talk.
The thing about motorcycles is that if you own a fast bike you absolutely have to go fast. Why would anyone spend all this money on a motorcycle and ride around without breaking the speed limits by 300%? I understand that when I see a speeding biker but what most of them do not wish to accept is that you are pretty much guaranteed to have a gruesome accident that can potentially lead to you losing a limb or two. It is almost inevitable like the sunrise and I think this rule comes with the purchase. By buying a bike you are destined to erase yourself from the gene pool and no potential biker should feel bad about it. Whenever I get passed by a biker I think to myself "there goes dead man riding". This is how God intended it.
>>581881Yeah there is rarely a time I ride my motorcycle without going over 100mph at least once. Filtering through traffic at speed is a lot of fun.
Your chances of survival go up a lot if you put a loud exhaust on. I used to get inattentive foids drifting into my lane all the time until I got a 600cc supersport with an aftermarket muffler.
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why not both
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>>581916can you imagine the variety of substances she'll be dispensing under there
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time to get out
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>>581898What now that you can't repeatedly bump nigg3r cp? You gonna make your own thread?
>>581881my boss is like this
hes almost 50
he does it to "feel alive" or some shit
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>>582560The ota-zone bug caused threads on page 2 to show up on page 1, don't try to abuse it it can easily be solved by pushing it to page 3.
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whatmin are you seeing this they made a nier anime
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>>582565I heard about it I didn't know it came out.
Idk how they're going to fill up 12 episodes, the game is mostly ambience and environmental story telling, there wasn't much dialogue, I'll check it out.
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