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>>523140Well, I've shut it down for good.
I'll be posting here more from now.
I'm really sad and it upsets me that some people might not even be able to view ota even through tor, but I couldn't take hosting the site anymore it's caused me a lot of stress.
I hope my friends from /what/ can meet again here, or somewhere… Honestly having a mental breakdown right now.
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I've hosted /what/ for nearly 8 years.
There was still many people who posted on it almost daily.
Including friendly people, not just that one guy you talk about.
It's feels like a piece of my soul is dying, and who knows when ota is next?
It makes me feel so lonely, and sad for the people who have posted there for years, and also the people who left long ago.
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You are my friend.
Everyone hates you and this is going to be the first time I'm going to defend you publicly.
Yes you spam too much, way too much, but you had good posts sometimes and I was fine with sitting there and babysitting to delete, honestly, your funposts.
My eyes hurt from how bad it feels like I need to cry.
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>>523171i post there every day
you need to bring it back
cant hang out with my /what/frens on ota
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>>523179I've posted on ota since day 1, and created /what/ as an alternative to ota when I was very immature and young.
That was nearly 8 years ago. I took care of that board every single day for nearly 8 years, ota is the biggest overlap with /what/ there is.
I wish there was webm/mp4 support, and that the no-3D rule was more relaxed, and that there wasn't so many bans.
I don't know how otamin feels, and never have. He's never been one to talk openly ever. He might be down the last straw on hosting ota too, who knows? I never liked walking on eggshells.
I feel empty, hollow, alone.
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> ultimately killed your site and the nice, friendly community around it.
He didn't kill it though. People moved on no matter how /what/ was run.
/what/ was the best it's ever been in this past year or two IMO.
It's making me realize, that I really have nowhere else to go to post, for example, that clip from a Japanese movie with the girl flipping off another girl as she passed by.
There is a void in my soul. An extreme feeling of emptiness and loneliness.
Ota, kissu, gnfos, mero, kakashi, none of these fill that void for me.
>>523206>He didn't kill it though. People moved on no matter how /what/ was run.How can you even say that? I don't know if you still have the relevant parts because your hard drive died, but literally go check the state of the site during 2017-18, you can just check for how long the blog threads lasted (they lasted on average for a month) and compare how different the atmosphere used to be, and how people rapidly left because you just let him spam for literal pages worth of threads straight( you didn't even bother deleting his spam like you do now) and how the site basically turned into his personal shitting ground.
I am not saying that people don't leave at all on their own, but to think they the vast majority didn't stop posting because the site was being constantly spammed by someone as vapid and unlikable as him, is just bizarre.
>/what/ was the best it's ever been in this past year or two IMO.Both quality wise and speed wise this is objectively untrue.
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>>523214> you can just check for how long the blog threads lasted (they lasted on average for a month) People not using the blog threads as much was a positive thing about the site.
The blog threads were at times, the entire imageboard, and then there was everything else outside of it.
>>523213I am incredibly sorry to the posters still there. I know some might feel the same level of emptiness and loneliness I feel.
I hope they can find a way to post here or on another board like kissu.
I am also open to the idea of handing /what/ over to someone else to host, but I doubt I'd find someone capable enough and that I trust/like enough.
If any of you'd like to privately contact me, here is my Steam account. No.523220
>>523218>People not using the blog threads as much was a positive thing about the site.It's not that people stopped using the blog threads and started posting outside, it's that they stopped using the site at all and the site increasingly turned into just spam.
Everything outside the blog threads was either mostly dani spam (which I personally didn't even mind) and then it just schizospam, maybe someone else would've made more threads if they weren't immediately drowned in garbage, ever thought of that? I just don't understand you whatmin.
>>523220I am happy to see you on your same spiel even now.
I have the same feeling I had when my dog died. Memories of the good times and the people really hurt.
>>523228You can't out-good post spam and zero effort garbage, this is especially true for insular and slow communities. Barring admin intervention the most prolific posters are always what shapes a site and its atmosphere, and if the end result is shit, people leave.
The same kind of thing basically happened to ota too, there were just different freaks. It's very frustrating and sad.
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>>523252There was three people who made threads/posts worth deleting last night/this morning.
And 2/3 of them had no relation to /what/ at all.
I've offered to be a janitor. I'm sorry for what you deal with otamin, it makes me physically sick,thinking about posters going about their day and refreshing their favorite imageboard and seeing that.
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/what/ poster here, I fuckinf hate ota and won't post here.
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upload test-php somewhere at least
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>You can't report that many posts at once…
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>>523313Because I've dealt with his posts for years now and developed a relationship with him where he toned down a little.
I usually still had to delete stuff everyday, and swap between range banning him (he has a lot of VPN address ranges, my range ban code block in my lighttpd config for him is large and still not enough).
A broken clock is still right twice a day, and he occasionally created good threads that people enjoyed, including people who hate him, without knowing he was the OP.
>>523271 you go, this is everything needed to display test-php as a webpage.
>>523360>Because I've dealt with his posts for years now and developed a relationship with him Yeah, it's called stockholm syndrome. You're genuinely mentally ill. It explains so much.
>>523361Otamin certainly shouldn't take moderating advice from someone that murdered his own site by being a shit admin.
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>>523373You're on that middle-school tier peer pressure and group think shit.
Grow up.
>>523378Says the manchild that Iives with his mother still and needed her to talk for you when dealing with the police. Want to talking about being a grown? How about you start with saging your posts while you're a guest here so not everyone needs to see your moronic posts. I hope the next "break down" is enough for you to neck yourself.
I'm not going to humor your sorry anymore now, get fucked.
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>>523377I will when I continue playing through P4G again, with screenshots and stuff.
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>>523408Ty, I wasn't going to do it myself but it's obvious this guy spam bumps a bunch of threads to Slide - Goo Goo Dolls
fucking auto correct no I didn't mean that slide
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>>523411Woah woah woah, you're TERF?
I remember what happened to the last TERF here.
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glad otamin isnt an drama llama like this loser
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>>523424It's actually just you, and someone else already called out your obvious samefagging.
>>523465In order for something to be projection you to present a tenable point of reference prove it you can't just yell like the fat retarded kid at the back of the school short bus.
>>523474Oh yeah I'll just post in one of the 100s of schizo threads that waste of oxygen brought here. Fucking idiot.
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To be honest, you didn't make the hosting easy on yourself either.
For those that weren't /what/posters
1. The imageboard ran on whatmins personal computer. That's dumb.
2. It wasn't isolated in a vm or anything, it just ran in the background. Ofc when his system broke, what went down. That's double dumb.
3. Had no mods/jannies whatnot. It was just whatmin himself. That's the third dumb.
Ppl even offered to help with the spam but he never took it. Ofc you tire yourself out like that
Maybe try next time better.
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>>523559>1. The imageboard ran on whatmins personal computer. That's dumb.Never had a problem with this, maintained almost 24/7 uptime for years.
If I had to go back and do it again, I would still host it on my own Linux PC and a FreeDNS domain. Costs $0 and I have no limitations on anything.
>2. It wasn't isolated in a vm or anything, it just ran in the background. Ofc when his system broke, what went down. That's double dumb.The only problem with this was PHP updates to be honest.
The PHP developers are demons and break compatibility with older PHP code every single update. There's been websites that literally die over this.
If otamin's server ever upgraded PHP (I think he's on 5.x) then ota would completely break.
Good thing I think it's a VPS where he installed Debian himself and literally has never updated it :–)
PHP 8 did just release, and I haven't tested it but I'm sure it breaks vichan. If it got too hard to maintain older PHP builds myself, /what/ would've ended up hosted inside a VM or a raspberry-pi-type computer.
>3. Had no mods/jannies whatnot. It was just whatmin himself. That's the third dumb.Ppl even offered to help with the spam but he never took it. Ofc you tire yourself out like that
Maybe try next time better.
I don't think there was anyone I could trust to do that. I don't think it would've made much of a difference for me either.
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>>523571You can see it in
>>523557 's image that what still miraculously had good posters on it. Where are they now? whatmin, bring what back for a few days to give them a chance to stay in contact somehow or organize a new site or to move somewhere else. Barring bringing it back temporarily, give them a link to a thread somewhere or something instead of redirecting to which seems like an insult to them more than anything.
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>>523576>>523572One of the problems I feel with all the other /jp/ spinoff boards is that I'm walking on eggshells and too conscious of what I post.
Allowing even him the freedom to post (within means) harbored a feeling of freedom and low inhibition to what you post, and resulted in more variety and thoughts being expressed from all the posters.
/what/'s moderation choices were the reason I and other people would feel okay posting things on /what/, that we wouldn't feel okay posting on other /jp/ spinoffs.
And /what/ was better for that.
>>523565You are so dumb. Are you trying to deny you made your own life harder?
I mod an imageboard where basically the admin left for a year without touching the server, but since there was still moderation, it didn't get spammed to death while he went and did his irl stuff.
Uptime is more important than you jacking off to how your php version was newer
It didnt have to end like this, you just became jaded.
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>>523590>Uptime is more important than you jacking off to how your php version was newerBoy you really misunderstood that.
Let me put it in simple terms:
- PHP updates break old PHP code (think how python3 breaks python2 code)
- Vichan is a dead project, the only vichan maintainer publicly screams and writes angry letters to the PHP devs
- Running old versions of PHP on an updated Linux distro is a technical issue that can be challenging.
>It didnt have to end like this, you just became jaded.You just disagree with how things were run. I don't care, you're wrong.
If things were run your way, different people would have left.
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>>523593I've been using kissu /jp/
I'd prefer ota but there's no video support.
>>523592>You just disagree with how things were run. I don't care, you're wrong.Your site is dead.
You are posting on ota.
You failed.
Your methods are objectively shit.
>>523571>birthday anonI just wanted to let you know that I was still there til the day it died, I just didn't want to continue doing things like that as I felt strongly discouraged once one of the birthday cards was insolently reposted. Some of the threads would get bumped again too with rude or off-topic posts. I stopped completely in May 2018.
FWIW, I also organized the #whatch movie sessions, but that was earlier, between 2015-2016 with maybe a final one in early 2017. I primarily stopped doing that for different reasons.
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>>523599None of that has to do with how the site was moderated.
Look, if you keep posting "waahh why didn't you stop 100% of his posts", I'm not responding.
You've already said it 100 times, and I've already told you my responses.
There was many posters who liked what and posted up until the very end. I will continue thinking of those friends. You on the other hand are loud and vocal, obnoxious, and like to complain.
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>>523631don't bully yuu-chan
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hows it feel to know you made someone cry?
words have power and you choose to use it to hurt others???
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>>523692how can you bully me like that?? how can you just write out a hurtful post designed to make someone cry like that? you dont even care what it is your doing
when people on ota bully me im not sad because of the comment… im sad because someone is so depserate to bully that theyll take the time to wright out such hurtful things
>>523756As much as I despise whatmin myself it's gotta be said that this freak would've spammed ota either way and already did anyway. He's just doing it more now I suppose, but the crux of the problem has always been otamin doing the bare minimum of only deleting only the most blatant of garbage and spam (and then taking his own sweet time doing even that), instead of deleting disruptive shit in general like this turd of a thread, and the only solution to that is going somewhere else or making a site of your own or just to simply stop posting altogether.
No matter how hard people try to make good threads or bump old ones it'll never matter in the end because some shit eater will simply stroll in and spray diarrhea all over the board and otamin won't do a thing most of the time, as he hasn't been doing for years until the board finally dies.
>>523705<< Can you see any otas from up here? >>
*flies high up into the sky*
<< What have otas given us? >>
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>>523822We haven't done that for years on /what/, but I watch Japanese movies with my one friend who organized those privately in Steam chat.
Recently we watched The Call (2020) and we both liked it.
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>>523171>>523166I didn't really enjoy browsing /what/ in the last two years so, but I've been there for so long it was part of my daily routine…It's sad, I really wish it didn't had to end like this.
Thank you /what/min, even though I don't agree with some of your decisions. I had a lot of fun on your site. My little feels a little emptier now. I'm going to miss it.
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every day i try to log on /what/ and it's not there
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It's a fun 7 years, no hard feelings, eh whatmin?
Looks like your best friend destroyed /what/.
See ya wouldn't want to be ya!
>>524507Can't believe the Pajeet destroyed /what/and made whatmin have a breakdown!
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>>525529- Blue Spring
- I am Hero
- Any Akira Kurosawa samurai film
- Shoplifters
- School Live
- Anohana live action movie
- Forgiven Children
- Waiting in the Dark
- 0.5mm
- 100 Yen Love
>>525578It would actually be okay to watch with your mom.
I really liked that one a lot.
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>>526321No what about it?
My 3600 runs everything I need it to at above the fps I need it to, and likely will for quite a while.
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Ryzen 3000/5000
X570 motherboard
Any 3200MHz C14 RAM or 3600 MHz C16 or better
PCI-e 4.0 nvme drives, and/or standard hard drives at least 4TB a piece
GPUs don't exist so you just simply don't buy one
Fractal case, 144Hz or 240Hz monitor (seriously 60Hz is so bad), Zowie mouse, HyperX FPS Pro keyboard, Sony MDR 7506 Headphones, any decent headphone dac/amp
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>>526326No, it's just kinda "leaked" into the wild. It was supposed to launch at the end of march but a german reseller started selling it 3 weeks early so anandtech now has a review about it now out, even if they have a non disclosure agreement with Intel. But that is not valid if you can actually get the chip early in retail. It's just an interesting design and the review goes well into detail about the architectural changes. Could be interesting if you like that stuff (I do)
>>526333Ryzen 5600x and B550 motherboard
Definitely 3600mhz ram, preferably G.skill, Crucial or Teamwhatstheirname
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whatmin I hate myself I should have not gone with Z490, ES xeons on ebay dropped in price
Like LGA3647 is so much cooler
Also ebay is full of RKL ES chips, I will probably get one of those 11900k's
>>527474Disgusting boid thread
>>527475Disgusting rat thread
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Whatmin I ordered a CM H100 mini itx case, I will be building a second 10th gen, one will be the Z490 gaming build and the other will be an igpu linux/lowpower mini itx build
Also found a really good offer on a CM MA410M tower cooler for the gaming rig and found an okay looking CM psu too
I am starting to have a problem with buying pc parts, bought some fans a week ago etc, I just keep sinking money in good offers of quality parts
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man i miss it
there's no where to casual post anymore
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>>529671>>529648>>529663>>529671>>529673>>529674I love you guys
Want you to know that I'm sorry and thank you
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Why you little!!…
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is it really over surely it will be back any day now
>>531449hi whatmin
>>531451hi pissmin
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the /what/ gang
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>>531464nenmin wins again
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woah thats an epic as HELL vtuber reference
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