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>>508741it's a zograscope
this is the print behind him
it's an engraving, a print
there were most likely thousands made
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No henri… no lomo… no flower anon… no zunbar… no currybutt… no anonymous of colombia… no virus VN artist… no ota fanzine anon… All gone like tears in the rain…
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We don't need henri. Henri needs US!
He'll come crawling back any day now…
>>509286hence why the OP image wasn't deleted, and why the picture that wasn't henri was
How come otamin deleted this image
>>509292 of a /jp/ poster with an anime figure but not this one
>>508732 ?
What did otamin mean by this?
>>509793he made some thread about how he noticed a lot of the idol fans on twitter were trans
otamin wordfiltered all his posts with his trip on to
"Trans Rights." for like maybe 30 hours.
This resulted in a 3 day spergout across multiple websites about how he hates otamin and everyone here and no one appreciates him for his ability to barely watch anime and then post about lesbian shipping and femdom nonstop and his inability to read leading to admittedly funny conversations where he was kind of the butt of the joke.
Also, unsurprisingly, once henri left, there wasn't anyone necroing 20 LL threads at once leading to massive board slowdowns on a daily basis, but everyone keeps telling me that's just a coincidence.
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As I get closer to a 4 plate squat, I realize that it's not enough to work out. Now I want to train my body to fight. I want to beat the living shit out of Chads like henri. I want to humiliate them. "H-h-how can this be!? I, an attractive Chad, have gotten my ass kicked by someone like you!? No… I'm attractive and charismatic, this can't be happening! Help me Ichinose!" That will go through their heads before I give them the final strike and put them into a coma.
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>>509821Imagine liking this board enough to come here at all and not being such a doormat you say nothing when some fag tries to kill for months on end with the only proof contrary to the large amount of evidence against him is people saying, "it was me! Please forgive my rudeness"
>>509822you failed to mention that the bumping started as a reaction to shitty garbage threads and spam that doesn't belong and which was for the most part posted for the sole malicious purpose of being disruptive, and which was actually posted by the same individuals, unlike the former
this has been going on for more than two years, by the way, not months, which makes me think you're either some clueless fucking idiot that doesn't know what he's talking about or so extremely butthurt your mind is distorting reality
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>>509824Those are bad too, but those were almost always done in reaction (>>509615 is me so I've definitely complained about him, but that guy thrives on attention and he's been like that while getting worse for years and is currently in the middle of some deranged breakdown where he makes 40 threads a day on gn), I've complained about those when they came uninstigated too though but they were never as frequent.
I don't care about you or me grabbing a few random threads, or even a lot of threads if it's once in a whiles or you have something to bring up for them. But I enjoy ota though, so when I see someone flush first 3 pages of the board and see it slow down to 2 posts a day or less from that, let alone multiple times a week, I don't like that.
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>>509827I'd rather the board have some shit threads than be dead retard.
>>509834I don't think anyone cares about it being LL, just about someone turning the site in to a wall of dead LL threads every morning.
It's way easier to look past or ignore 2 or 3 bad threads than it is to look past 20 dead ones.
>>509837I'm sorry if you like getting your threads conveyered off while the board gets spammed.
I ignore problems I can fix and making a few threads or talking about something in the front pages because someone bumped polshit and left is easy, but I'd be an idiot to enjoy doing the equivalent of opening delayclose and clicking their ll folder over live threads and is just going to keep doing it for a few hours leaving the board unusable. I don't know, maybe his bullshit just lined up better with your sleep schedule.
It's not fun to have some random autist arbitrarily enforce his own rule set upon others.
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he would have loved this image…
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>>509908crying remembering the good old days when we watched sansha sanyou and had fun and henri was here
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It's been a year since he left, and it still hurts…
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>>544760The basedmin dabbed on that lil nigga so hard it rewrote his entire existence
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G shit.