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/ghost/ - The Graveyard

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No. 519

Okay I did it /a/.

I actually downloaded and watched Boku no Pico. I figured if I was going to recommend it everytime a /r/ thread pops up I would be able to make a more convincing argument if I actually knew what happens.

You know what?

It was good.

If you ignore the yaoi, what you are left with is an engaging story, beautiful visuals, a solid soundtrack, quality voice work, and great direction.

I was expecting it to be cheap, and ugly, thinking that since it was catered to a certain audience who would buy up anything so long as it fit their fetish, that they wouldn't waste time and money actually making it good.

I was wrong.

If it had not have had the subject matter that it did, this would have been one of the most finely crafted anime ever. The sheer amount of work that must have gone into making it is staggering, especially when you consider it in the framework of it's subject matter.

If you are someone who actually can see anime as an art form, instead of just an entertainment medium, you will appreciate the craft that went into it.

I guess what I am trying to say is that if you can stomach the subject, and you want an objective lesson on how animation can be done right you might want to give it a try. That's all.

I didn't take screenshots, and frankly I don't know what picture to post so that you won't instantly think I am trolling, so I guess here is a pic of moot and the girl he lost his virginity to.


Natsuyasumi was better.

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