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/ghost/ - The Graveyard

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No. 514

( Questions include spoilers ) Okay guys, I know you must get these threads all the time and are sick of them, but what the FUCK did I just watch. I flamed this for ages because of the hate that Shinji got from /a/ and friends (I tend to shy away from animes with betamax MC's) but it was amazing, even though he was still a faggot 'till the end. I just want to ask a couple questions that I had after the End of Evangelion. Also a synopsis of it from a EVA veteran would be welcome too, I understood most of it apart from these parts.

what purpose did the Lance of Longinus serve?
why was Rei there? was she there just for the dummy plugs? or did she have the essence of lilth/adam inside her?
was the second impact caused by the process of getting Adam to his embryonic state?
how did NERV have lilth as well? or was lilth the white giant that was crucified?
why did SEELE attack NERV when they both wanted the world to be reborn?
why did Shinji try to strangle Asuka even though he wanted to see his friends again?
what were the Dead Sea Scrolls?

That's it I guess, also holy shit we'll do the rest when you get back my DICK

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