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/ghost/ - The Graveyard

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File: 1417793165726.jpg (136.6 KB, 1286x645, Trevor is a mad man.JPG)

No. 2936



why does your tripcode change so much


sometimes my browser resets. I have no power over it and never remember what the password was.


No offence Trev, but why do you call people out like this? It’s just mean man. When looking at your own situation you can't even find another girlfriend, no offence.

It’s hypocritical to bully someone for having a crush on someone like this or having one on milk when you can't find a girl yourself. Please just leave these anons alone. Pls let them be content for the time being passing away their time with their crushes. I don't have any attraction toward. Milk, but if it helps them pass the time or lets them have some degree of emotionally supporting themselves than let them be.

Just wish you would be a nicer guy here. You wonder why your site is down 300% but act so mean to people here.

Sometimes I wonder if you're even really the Trevor running this site that Josh always talks about and is in the famous picture with Josh.

If you really are that Trevorthan you seem so chill, so relaxed in life, like someone you would kick back share a beer with make fun of each other in good faith and talk about otaku stuff like anime or niche interest things,

But your posting style just seems so opposite of your in real life personality. It’s a shame because if I had the chance to meet you in real life I would jump on that chance and go driving or share a beer, joke around and do otaku related things discuss otaku related topics.

I'm asking you to take it easy on your user base Trevor.


write it on a piece of paper


Cannot release my hand writing to the web, sorry.


how hard do you work to impersonate d-san?


I still don't know who Josh is


File: 1417794438388.jpg (339.49 KB, 838x841, bbb740c37649a234a9898c4d36….jpg)

Fresh new meme(pronounced meem) from the creators of the epic josh4893 meme:



I'm Disability-san


post the gehraz one


OK but you have to do something nice for me first please


your pretty


File: 1417795018108.png (Spoiler Image, 612.6 KB, 475x474, gehraz alienware.png)



here is your pic~

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