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File: 1495298537070.jpg (67.97 KB, 780x438, 170520071755-01-trump-saud….jpg)

No. 12892

>yfw arabs are going to think americans wear giant belts now

Good jump, Trump.


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>Saudi Arabia

Good to see Trump licks their boots like a true patriot.

Can't believe I had to vote for this moron to keep a blood witch out of office…….


back 2 /pol/



Its going to get no replies and deleted. Welcome to trumps tumblr sheep america.


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Why can't I get all this belt on me?


hillary and michelle obongo had to wear towels on their head when they went


Saying they're not as dumb as those 2 isn't saying much…..



>Trump just sold them millions of dollars worth of fighters and tanks

Damnit Trump why you're like a junkie.


Trump is the best, I never thought I'd see the day that we could beat up Americans in their own country. Everything they stood for is now comedy as Americans get beaten to a pulp on their own land. Thank you Trump


Government approved beating of Americans L M A O


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>m f w filming americans being beaten and arrested by foreigners


shit kicking americans on american soil
strangling american citizens on american soil
beating the fuck out of americans on american soil
the president laughing as the same people that voted him in get beaten up by non-americans
the president laughing alongside a foreign politician as his men beat up americans
repeat x2


need a yui horie gf


I meant to post "Good job, Trump". Why did so many people respond to this thread it doesn't even make sense. Fucking Trump's education is lowering people's standards already.


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Let it bankrupt the arib belt makers

4D Chess all the way down to fashion details



Your so stupid idiot


He's not the Holy Roman Emperor, idiot.


I think Sean realizes deep down that Trump was part of the nephilim plan that I've been telling him since 2015 but doesn't want to accept he's a pawn for the occultist plan and been out smarted so he's just going to keep going with the meme


I guess there's no Hulkamaniacs here


trump is plotting against the white man he must be stopped


Last trumpet of God.
I dont beleive hes an occultist.
He was raised in the enviorment to take them down never fully realizinf God was leading him the way to greatmess.


He can't ever be, Napoleon destroyed it and even if they brought it back he would have to be voted in by the Prince electors and they don't exist either and I doubt they would have voted him in anyway, he's not German for a start.


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He is actually german blood, just happens to be American.

Its also said his wife is decendent from the first holy roman emperor, thus giving him marrige rites.

Besides that we are at the point where we can give him the offical title that no longer can be given out by the church since its been infested by msonic cleregy. The gands and feet of the church take back the head of the church thus giving us the true catholics the ability elect the emperor by those whose actions are alighned with God and defence of the West.

Trump is going to clear house in roam getting rid of the masons. This is my prediction and stance on Gods divine will.


His wife being of Hapsburg decent is something but he isn't and the reason the Hapsburg were always voted in was because they were the most powerful in Germany and arguably Europe, he has no land in Europe(well he probably has real estate there but you know what I mean).

Also the Church did not appoint the Emperor, the Prince Electors did. Most of the time the Holy Roman Emperor and the church were at each others throats.


Did you know he descended from Christ bloodline? The mother in his bloodline last name was Christ



Thats the ilumnati lie they want you to beleive. The anti-chrost will not only claim to be born of a falsehood lie that christ had decendents and he is one of them, but also claim to be the christ to the j e w s to gain their zionist favor.

The whole bloodline of christ thing is actually soms of dragons bloodline to throw the sheepeople into ctisis mode.


A man chosen by God will n9t be held back by something like his bloodline tbh. If shes hasperg and not decendent of the emperor than it doesnt really make a difference. Kind of just an extra perk in the argument..

God chooses the emporer. The. Hurch fathers were simply a vehssil on earth with Gods keys to grant such titles. God will have him put on a throne even if its unnoficial.

I will keep saying hes emporer in Europe. Trump will convert to catholicism in the next 8 years when he meets with Benidict in private but public news alongside taking out isis once they march on rome.

Isis was/is just a U.S obama administration controled terrorist group for killing christiams and clearing the middle east for zionist isrial anyway. They will play a part in vatican 2/3 mystery thay the masons are covering up.

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