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/ghost/ - The Graveyard

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File: 1400554286702.jpg (157.18 KB, 1000x662, 113.jpg)

No. 1002

Hey /jp/, would you suck my cock?


no that dick isnt cute at all…


Please don't post my penis on my board, it makes me uncomfortable.




prove thats yours please


why not simply answer the question?


disgsting. reported


You're asking me to do something and not telling me what I'd get in return.


just like the girl in my head…


da d.


I don't want that, I'm not gay.


Then simply say no… jeez.


I dont know much about you and I would sugg someones cock based on who they were and their personality and compatibility with my interests and views, not what the cock looks like.

also that cock has been spammed hundreds of times before on /jp and other places so I think verification is required if you claim to be its owner.

What do you get in return? nothing of actual monetary value I'd think. but you get to have what might be an interesting dialog if you choose to continue with this


If you know that it has been posted a lot you should know a lot about me. If I could prove that it was mine, would you suck it?


Why the fuck isn't OP banned yet? Is this what Ota stands for now? Simbly disgusting.


btw Yes.


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are we going to end at an impasse?

As in where I ask for proof and you keep being evasive? I told you already what would determine if I would suck it or not >>1015

yes you would have prove beyond a reasonable doubt its yours and answer some questions I have if you don't mind.

/ota/min please just del or spoiler the image, I want to see where this goes.


Sure but you have to tell me how you'd suck my dick first.

In detail….


please use sage when responding

thats also another factor in whether or not I'd sugg


What is special about your sucking that makes it require a background check, and if the actual penis is unimportant why are you interested in interviewing me instead of other posters?


It doesn't work like that.

step 1
• prove its your dick

step 2
• answer a few questions to the best of your ability

step 3
• then I tell if I'd suck or not in detail

unless you accomplish the first step I'm simply not going to bother.


I have never saged my threads, I can't find out if people would suck it if I don't keep it where it is seen.


yeah sure spend all the time trying to see if a dude would and will suck your dick and then it turns out he doesnt know shit about how to suck a dick

ive been fooled once, but never twice


Do you get some sick gratification from asking people if they would suck a dick that clearly isn't yours???


It actually is not my thread, I'm just hijacking it. It is my penis, though.


So that's your dick? Are you willing to prove that?




I can't really prove it without posting pictures of it and I don't really want to post pictures of dicks on /ota/. There seem to be a lot of people that care about it for some reason so maybe when the thread gets moved to /ghost/.

Awesome, thank you.


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busiest thread on /ota/



Is that wink a yes?


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Yes. I would suck your hard, throbbing cock with my warm sissy mouth. I would take it deep down into my tight throat and feel your body hair press against my face as I gag on your manhood. I would be overwhelmed by the musky, masculine scent of your balls as they slap against my face while you fuck my mouth like a beast in heat. I would feel you grunting and be able to tell that you were ready to blow. I would caress your thighs affectionately and look up at you, giving you a nod that it was alright. I would feel your strong hands grab the back of my head firmly as you made your final thrusts, your thick hot cum shooting into the back of my throat and filling my mouth. I would look up at you and smile softly as I swallowed your steamy load. I would proudly open my mouth and show you that I hadn't wasted any of your seed. I would become yours entirely, I would now be your property. I would live to serve my master's huge manly cock.

As a joke.


I wouldn't. I would never suck the dick of a lying scumbag.


thats a sorry excuse and you know it. you could easily link the picture on an imagehost.


That pheely when this thread completely back fires and I'm still not banned.


please whats your address


If I'm erect does this mean I'm a gay..?


he posted a picture of a girl so its not gay idiot


>>tf when there was never a girl funposter who spams her boobs or vag00

I always lol at these threads anyways because the guy always says "thank you".

>>hey guys would you suck it

>>cool thank you


Ah, right. I'll take note so I can better mimic this man in the future.




thats a different dick spammer, the motorbike guy.


holy f*ck this board is gay im going back to warosu



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Would you reciprocate if I did?


hod anme bbe x raided po no


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Imagehosts are too much of a hassle to bother with. This is the most I'll do, you won't find anything on the actual posted photo.

Thank you, that's really flattering.

Are you talking about thinking it's not my penis? If it wasn't, wouldn't it not be the penis of a liar? Would you suck it then?


Well? Where the hell is the hot x-rated anime babe porno?


I'm sorry but I'm not gay. Are you a girl?


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I'd polish your knob with enough force to take the chrome of a towball.

i hope thats okay with you trev


By the way, thanks.


4P is trev?


Please respond.


imagehosts are not a hassle, but thanks for humoring me anyways. try pomf.se, its run by some swedish /g/ queer, he'd probably suck your dick for hosting money.

now would you mind answering the questions I alluded to in step 2 or will it be a waste of time for me to type them up?

you're getting closer to your answer


You sound very needy and controlling


cocksucking is serious business for me



You actually were replying to someone else there, maybe OP. I can't guarantee I'll want to answer the questions any more than you've guaranteed that you want to suck it.


can you put on a temp trip or something just to be safe?

also how do i know that its actually your dick if you didn't make that exif photo thing?


I'm sorry, I don't really like that kind of thing. I don't really get what you're saying, I did make that image that shows the Exif.


Were you inspired by the previous dickspamming guy?

how many inches is you dick in length?

what is your stance on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd amendments of the US?

have you ever had your dick sucked before?

how much money do you make a year before taxes?

Favorite color?

What is the best simpsons season in your opinion?

What kind of car do you drive?

how long have you been around imageboards?

answer these to the best of your ability and I will consider whether or not I will suck your cock dude


>how much money do you make a year before taxes?
>what kind of car do you drive??

ew ur personality is gross


I guess Im not getting my dick sucked =[


I started posting my penis because he stopped and I thought it was something the board still needed. I don't know exactly but I think it's probably average. I support them. No. I don't work full time. I don't have any personal attachment to a color but if I need to use one I usually choose non-photo blue. I've never watched a full season of a non-anime TV show. What I drive is identifiable enough in real life that I don't want to answer, sorry. Closer to 10 years than to 5.


thank you for the response. I would most likely suck it for a reasonable amount of money. I hope that helps.


Why for money?


because I wouldn't do it >for free


Why not suck it for free?


Money is exchanged for goods and services.


I don't think sucking is that kind of exchange. If you were not paid money, would you suck it?

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