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No the fact that you can't get it without money in the adult world, and that literally over 99% of adult relationships are prostitution is the final red pill.
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for most all of humanity sexuality is the most complex task they can carry out. it involves the entire body from your feet to your head; your gut flora to your entire nervous system; a full response from the intangible emotions to the physical release of the body. there's many ways to use it to leave indelible marks that influence others forever. even people who are celibate can only distract themselves or forcefully suppress. there's asexuality but these people are mentally damaged and physically unbalanced they also still are influenced by it too just in aspects they don't understand. you need true sage level power to wave sexuality away without having it linger around influencing you. things like circumcision really leave me in awe because of the creativity involved and far reaching uncontrollable influence it caused.
yup, it's really remarkable. the act itself isn't a final anything what's beyond it is though
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Sex is a tool designed by the demiurge to fool organisms into procreating and continuing the cycle of suffering. Mindless NPCs can't help but be enamored by a chemical braindump.
>>5695boipussy is they key
its the only way to break the cycle
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>final redpill
crimson pill forked from the brown pill forged by bob after eating a decade old rotten taco mixed with 5mg of peyote
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my suggestion to you my brothers
give a relationship a real try and see if it's for you or not. relationships aren't for everyone and if you don't like what comes with being in one then at least you can say you tried
>>5700What are you talking about, I fucking *love* normcel threads
got any more pills to tell me about?
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>>5698You say that like its up to us at all
Women are the sexual selectors
>>5701nigrs are dumb
kikes rule the world
hitler did nothing wrong
fuck spics
kill fags
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>>5701pills are a placebo. the choice of word betrays the illusion it gives. it's just a wish and method to enjoy your own complacency which is why it's described as a pill.
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mrw oatmin leaves this filth up on the front page