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>>3456This is the gayest thing about gay things I've ever read.
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That place is GAY!
>>3472I don't think I could handle it.
We might already be friends too.
>>3455Can you please just stay on whatever website you came from? Kindly ask whoever linked you here to delete their post/tweet/tumble.
Have a nice day.
I can't give my email or my other friend's will know
>>3478>what happens when we're friends though?Awkward conversations
>will we do lewd things?Yeah if you want
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>>3479I've never had an internet friend like this though. what if we're not interesting to each other or you share my emails with your friends and laugh at me?
This is really scary.
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>>3482you should try to be his friend dude!! i have good people sense and something tells me he is a really cute and nice person!
>>3484Wow, rude!
In case you didn't notice, this is the gay thread, if you're not gay I guess it's YOU who is out of place.
hah lmaaoooooooo
>>3482>>3482>what if we're not interesting to each other Impossible! everyone on ota is interesting
>or you share my emails with your friends and laugh at me?I don't think any of my friends would think it's funny, they'd probably think I was just a mean person and hate me
>>3485Yea and this thread doesn't belong on this board. There are much better places to go than /ota/ to discuss gay hookup.
Make some effort to make a board related thread or
git out.
bullyrekkr here
>>3487Rules for this board:
>1 All threads must be opened with 2D pictures.and that's all. Looks like this isn't against the rules. If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to send them to
>>3489nice fake stutter and inability to sage, you're obviously not him.
deal with it fgts
>>3490No western art. 2d picture is not an excuse to make /ota/ into /b/.
This place is for otaku porn and related discussion. Go away, you will find much better sites for what you want to discuss with larger userbases elsewhere.
>>3492Dude, there are literally no rules against sharing emails. Only OP has broken rules.
There are better places to dump and discuss otaku porn too, places with larger userbases. But I'm not calling you out for wanting to do that here. I don't understand why this offends you so much lmaaooooo